Sunshine Noma

Sunshine Noma

販売価格: 38,000(税別)

(税込: 41,800)


Height : 19cm

Head Type : Pocket Fairy Noma

Body Type:Beauty White Skin Sugar Body

Glass Eye : leeke world LG グラスアイ-126 8 mm

Wig : Short cut blonde

Outfit : ワンピース、スリーブ、ヘアーバンド、コサージュ、オーバーニーソックス、パンツ、バッグ (total 7pcs)

Bag: the pages

Shoes : Maryjane chocolat

ETC : Makeup, Box, Cushion

Price : 38,000 YEN (Shipping fee is Not included)

Make-up Design By Xia'o / Mass Produce Dreaming Andersen

Outfit design By the pages / Sewing by TREE Design
